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It has been over thirteen years since we started the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Insurance Bad Faith Case Law Blog. This week we uploaded our 1600th post.

We believe that persistence in posting summaries of current opinions as they are issued has been a useful addition to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey insurance coverage and bad faith universe.

Though we often see repeat issues in bad faith decisions forming clear patterns over time, there is occasionally that new twist, or application of law to a new set of facts, that keeps things fresh. And for those not regularly living in the bad faith universe, discovering patterns in a daunting sea of bad faith case law may be quite a relief when trying to navigate a wise course.

We have set out tens of categories on the left hand side of our home page to easily organize cases by topic with a single click. You can also use the search box under the calendar, in the upper left side of the home page, to collate your own set of case summaries by search terms of interest. For example, we list each judge and court issuing an opinion. The search function can organize summaries by judge or court, as well as by substantive or procedural search terms.

We have not noticed any significant change in the number of bad faith opinions issued each year. For example, we posted on 122 days between October 16, 2018 and October 16, 2019, with multiple posts on a few of those days. From October 16, 2017 through October 16, 2018, we posted on 124 days, again with a few multiple postings on individual days. From October 16, 2016 through October 16, 2017 we posted on 134 days.

That being said, in recent years we have posted more summaries of Pennsylvania Superior Court non-precedential decisions.

If you have a bad faith opinion from Pennsylvania or New Jersey you think would fit with this Blog, please feel free to email a copy to, and we will certainly give you credit for alerting us to the case.