About This Blog

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This blog is rooted in Fineman, Krekstein & Harris’ long experience in litigating coverage and bad faith cases. Our lawyers not only litigate these claims, but we maintain an ongoing understanding of the case law shaping our cases, and any new developments in this ever expanding field of law. As you will see from our “Links of Note,” we have brought our expertise to public and client seminars, and to written materials covering a wide range of bad faith topics. The idea for this Blog came from our lawyers’ awareness that even with our ongoing practice in coverage and bad faith cases, and as lecturers and writers, new cases are coming out constantly; and our work is never really finished. In constantly keeping ourselves on the law’s cutting edge, we have been posting ongoing updates of bad faith case law in Pennsylvania since 2006, and we are now adding New Jersey case summaries, as of November 2012. We intend to regularly post new cases throughout each month, and invite you to return frequently to read of these developments. If you wish to be included on our subscriber list, at no fee, simply submit your email address in the form below. For security reasons you will be sent a confirmation email, please follow the instructions in the email to be included in our list.


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