Privacy Policy

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We appreciate concerns about the confidentiality of personal information on the Internet. Accordingly, we do not obtain personally identifying information from you when you visit our web site unless you affirmatively choose to provide such information by sending us an e-mail message. If you use our Contact form to send us a message, you will need to provide your name and your e-mail address. This is the equivalent of leaving a message with our receptionist, and simply allows us to identify who you are and to contact you by return e-mail.

If you wish, you may also provide us with your company name, address, telephone number and fax number. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, this information may be used to contact you by telephone or to send you specific information by mail or by fax. Any information that you submit to us will be used only for the purpose of responding to your message or information request. We will not share any information that you provide to us with anyone outside of our firm.

Our web host also collects and provides to us certain aggregated, non – personally – identifying information to help us assess what information on our site is of most interest to visitors, and to identify ways that we can make our web site more accessible and more useful. Only the following visitor information is collected: the names of the domains from which our web site is accessed (e.g., for those using an America Online account); the dates and times of access; and the Internet addresses of web sites from which visitors linked directly to In addition, we are provided details concerning the number of times each page on our site has been accessed. All of this information is presented in the aggregate, and does not permit identification of any individual site visitor.

If you have questions about our privacy policy, or Internet privacy issues generally, please contact us via any of the following methods:

Mail: John Presner
Executive Director
Fineman Krekstein & Harris P.C.
Ten Penn Center, 11th Floor
1801 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (215) 893-9300