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This case involved the issue of whether the insureds resided at a property when a fire loss occurred. The insurer denied coverage, concluding they did not, and that certain misrepresentations were made by the insureds in connection with the fire loss claim. The insureds sued for breach of contract and bad faith.

In their complaint, the insureds asserted “that the property was in fact occupied at the time of the fire as the Plaintiffs were making ongoing and continuous repairs and renovations to the dwelling.” Judge Caputo agreed with the insurer that because “Plaintiffs allege not that they resided at the property, but only that they ‘occupied’ the property at the time of the loss as a result of ‘ongoing and continuous repairs and renovations to the dwelling’ … that Plaintiffs have failed to state a breach of contract claim.”

As to the bad faith claim, Plaintiffs allegations were conclusory and they offered no “factual averments supporting these sweeping allegations of bad faith.” The conclusory, sweeping, allegations included:

“(1) Defendant has ‘undertaken this course of action and unilaterally, without justification, deprived Plaintiffs of their rightful payment for damages to their property [] . . . all in the financial interest of [the insurer] and in disregard of the interest of their insureds . . .’”

“(2) Defendant’s ‘actions constitute a pattern in practice, not only in this claim, but in the handling of other claims in which totally unfair and unethical negotiation and settlement tactics are not only employed but encouraged by Defendant . . .’” and

“(3) Defendant ‘has acted with obvious bad faith and/or reckless disregard to the rights of their insured in failing to pay the Plaintiffs’ claim pursuant to the terms and conditions of the above mentioned homeowners insurance policy.’”

Judge Caputo did give the plaintiffs leave to file an amended complaint as to both the breach of contract and bad faith claims.

Date of Decision: May 2, 2019

Bloxham v. Allstate Insurance Co., U. S. District Court Middle District of Pennsylvania NO. 3:19-CV-0481, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 74139 (M.D. Pa. May 2, 2019) (Caputo, J.)